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Re: Bug in emacspeak?

    for a while, I've observed occasions when emacspeak refuses to speak a
    line which contains punctuation characters, but no alphanumberic
    characters even when punctuation mode is set to none. ...

That is my experience using espeakf and

Today's GNU Emacs CVS snapshot, Wed, 2006 Nov 15  12:26 UTC
GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.8.20)

Emacspeak 24.0 Revision 4271    Emacspeak sources last modified at
                  13:25 UTC, on Wednesday, 15 November 2006  

Only emacspeak-setup.el is loaded; the rest of the startup includes -q
and --no-blinking-cursor.

The DTK_PROGRAM variable is set to espeakf.pl and the DTK_TCL variable
is set to /usr/bin/perl

With punctuation mode set to some and none, the line is not spoken; 
with all, the line is spoken.

The same occurs with the same setup but using eflite, that is to say,
no speech when punctuation mode set to some and none, but speech when
punctuation mode set to all

(In this case, both the DTK_PROGRAM and the DTK_TCL variables are set
to /usr/local/bin/eflite.)

No tone is generated with espeakf but there is a tone is generated
when I use eflite.

    Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    bob@xxxxxxxxxxx                         bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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