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(x)Emacspeak and External Application

Hi all,

I have an application that runs on top of Xemacs:

I have the latest Emacs and Emacspeak successfully installed and working on my Ubuntu system using Eflight (a trying exercise...) I also have the above Click-n-prove application installed. When I run it from gnome-terminal by typing its name, it brings up two Emacs windows, but Emacspeak isn't coming to the rescue. (I think they're Emacs windows because Orca, the screenreader that boots with Ubuntu, says "Emacs - inaccessible".)

I'm wondering how to get Emacspeak to talk with an application like this. On the above website, it says that Click-n-Prove actually uses Xemacs - if this is the case, what can be done? The Xemacs-emacspeak package that exists - is that a good idea and does it work on Ubuntu? (There is no .deb, only a .rpm.)

Thanks for any ideas. I don't know a lick about Linux so try not to lose me right away =),

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