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Re: Elaboration on Difficulties

Robert -

Emacspeak requires the interpreter tcl.  That interpreter is not
provided by tcl8.3, tcl8.4, or any other version tcl package.
Instead, it is provided by tclx packages, version 8.3 or older.
Unfortunately version 8.4 of the tclx package does not provide the tcl
interpreter, nor (as far as I can tell) anything else that will
support emacspeak.  You will have to keep tclx8.3 installed.

             - Jim Van Zandt

   Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:20:59 -0500 (EST)
   From: "Robert J. Chassell" <bob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
   Reply-To: bob@xxxxxxxxxxx

       I find myself wishing I had an easy-to-use binary package I could
       just install. ...

   Hmm ... my Debian testing distribution has both tcl 8.3 and tcl 8.4.
   The information on the binary packages says that both are installed: 

       # apt-get install tcl8.3 -s
       tcl8.3 is already the newest version.

       # apt-get install tcl8.4 -s
       tcl8.4 is already the newest version.

   and that `tcl' is symbolically linked to tcl 8.3

       lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar 23  2006 tcl -> /usr/bin/tcl8.3

   The Debian documentation says that tcl 8.3 does not support threads
   but that tcl 8.4 does.

       Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
       bob@xxxxxxxxxxx                         bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
       http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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