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What ever happened to view-process-mode?

Hi greg,

I still have the sources to view-process-mode. I don't think it is actively
maintained anymore and to be honest, I've not tried using it in a long time. I
do seem to remember the last time I used it, there was some compatibility
issues with changes in ps output with later Linux kernels. 

If you want the source, I can post it.


Greg Priest-Dorman writes:
 > Hi,
 > Did anything ever replace view-process-mode?  I have had several
 > occasions lately where I wished I still had it.  Or is it still
 > arround?  If so I did not find it when I just went looking.  Can
 > someone post a link to it?
 > I found top-mode at
 > http://osdir.com/ml/emacs.sources/2004-07/msg00032.html 
 > but of course it is not speech enabled the way view-process-mode was.
 > Is there another tool for manipulating running processes from within
 > emacspeak?
 > Sorry if I am asking the obvious, but tonight is one of those times I feel
 > like I can't find my way out of a papper bag.
 > Thanks,
 > -Greg
 > -- 
 >  Greg Priest-Dorman
 >  priestdo@xxxxxxxxxxx
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