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Re: Customize problem

> when I try to save elisp files.  I get much the same when trying to use
> M-x byte-compile-file.  I had not yet made an attempt to track it down.
> > could anyone else who is running from the SVN version of emacspeak and running
> > emacs 22 see if they can get the same results, especially if they have also
> > observed the lack of a save option when trying to save changes to
> > a custom item?

As for the missing "Save for future sessions" option, I can confirm
that it is somehow linked to emacspeak, because the option is present
when I use emacs with speechd-el.

I also get the mentioned error when byte-compiling elisp filess, However it
somehow seems to be  dependent on the order in which things get loaded,
i.e. after some fiddling around, it usually goes away. I am also using
the described hook for automatically recompiling elisp files when saving.

Here is another problem I ran into, that is specific to emacs 22: In
info mode, when using incremental search (C-s), emacspeak will say "Search
failed" even if a match is found. Can anyone reproduce this?

Best regards, Lukas

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