Hi Raman, It looks like the most recent svn snapshot has fixed all the customize issues. I can no longer generate the backtrace when doing describe-text-properties and the option to save for future sessions is back. I am also not getting the warning about trying to modify a read-only buffer I was seeing when starting w3. I loaded the latest svn version at work as well and it has solved the same issues I was getting there. However, initially, I did have problems with a void function. When emacspeak started and was trying to do the fix-interactive stuff, it was complaining about a void function 'emacspeak-fix-commands-loaded-from when processing bbdb. I fixed this by putting in an autoload for that function definition. I didn't get this problem with my home system, but I'm not running bbdb at home at present. Things are now looking pretty good. I guess it was all the reflection stuff pulling in unwanted packages like tpu-edt. I'm quite amazed at how much faster emacs is loading now - I guess there was a considerable amount of unwanted clutter being loaded. regards, Tim -- Tim Cross tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they understand and those who do not understand what they manage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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