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RE: compile error on emacspeak-26.0 (error 2)

I ran into this problem too installing on ubuntu, but I got around it
somehow.  I think it worked after installing w3-url-e21.  I kept trying
packages that looked relevant until I got through the whole make config,
make, and make install without errors.
Good luck.

John J Morgan
Center For Languages, Cultures, and Regional studies
745 Brewerton Road
West Point, New York, 10996
Phone: 845-938-5329
Email: john.morgan@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cell: 914-382-6925
Fax: 845-938-3585

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Hill [mailto:robhill@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 3:59 PM
To: John Wise
Cc: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: compile error on emacspeak-26.0 (error 2)

Hello John and list,

I had this error on Ubuntu 7.04.  I couldn't find package URL, so
 fixed it by copying over /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/url/ recursively
from another machine.

Hope this helps,


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