Hello David, David Picón Álvarez writes: > > The truth is that Emacspeak has some issues that are very hard for blind > users to deal with. One important problem is internationalization. The whole > world doesn't speak English. Emacs was written at a time when > internationalization wasn't a consideration, and modifying it so that it > affords it would be a herculean task, but one that is nonetheless necessary > if it is to be hoped that it will be adopted by non-english-speaking users. > This is not just speculation, btw, many Spanish-speaking potential users > have told me that the language is an important barrier. Jaws, IE, Windows > are internationalized. Orca is internationalized and people are starting to > use it. > > In addition, I have tried, I really have, and I'm a fairly technically > competent user. I can write code. Yet I find Emacs such a difficult > environment to master. The emacs tutorial doesn't have enough information > and the emacs manual has far too much. Learning to use emacs > competently--and if one wants to use emacspeak efficiently one must be able > to use emacs competently--takes a very long time. Issues with having to use > (or being recommended to use) versions from repositories, that sometimes > break, don't make the experience any better. Well, here are a few observations from a person who knew nothing about writing code when he started using Emacspeak. I had started on linux by learning to use Xemacs rather than Emacs because I read somewhere on the web that Xemacs is more powerful. At this point I was not blind but getting there --- I could use 24 pt typesize fonts and get by. After I read about Emacspeak and was told by Raman that it would not support Emacspeak, I switched to GNU Emacs. It was not as difficult as you seemed to have found. Writing for help on the list, I got two very useful hints: 1. Bob Chassels sent me his "Gentle Introduction to Emacspeak" 2. Tim Cross recommended that I read Bob Chassels' Introduction to Emacs Lisp. I think that you would find the latter very elementary but certainly I found it very useful and though I cannot claim to have mastered Elisp, I have written a few functions which I needed and use them quite often. As for internationalization, things are perhaps not as bad as you think it is. For example the Oralux live CD which comes with a pre-built Emacspeak in its opening audio menu offers a very wide choice of languages, including Spanish. I have not tried using Emacspeak with these languages but I presume any user who knew some English could start with this CD and get accustomed to the key-chords that are a characteristic of Emacs/peak. Also, I believe there is a French version of Emacspeak, elegantly called Parlemacs. > At this stage, I humbly propose that blaming the user is not the right > strategy, and that some thinking should take place on what is to be done, so > that people can more easily jump onto the emacs toolset, and become > productive users with it. I have a few ideas. Why don't you tell us/me these ideas. I am not a codeslinger but might be able to derive some benefit from them, nevertheless. Wishing the season's greetings to all Emacspeakers, Kalyan PS: I have written a couple of books on mathematics using LaTeX and Emacspeak as the fundamental tools. Does this qualify me as a productive user? K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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