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Re: [emacspeak The Complete Audio Desktop] Web Accessibility AndUsability: Comin...

You ask:


PS: I have written a couple of books on mathematics using LaTeX and
Emacspeak as the fundamental tools. Does this qualify me as a
productive user?


In my opinion laTeX and Emacs remain the best combination for
eyes-free authoring. However if you tell the rest of the
"mainstream accessibility community" that you have written books
using Emacs and LaTeX, they'll promptly disqualify you from their
ranks saying "just because it worked for you -- it wont work for
everyone". They'll then jump to the next completely disconnected
inference which reads "It only works for Kalyan, it wont work for
anyone else".

I can confirm the above from having been put through it myself;-)

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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