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Re: newe to emacs

Tim Cross writes ("Re: newe to emacs"):
> Flite was part of emacspeak, but it seems to have been moved into the
> 'obsolete' category. I tried it a while ago and it was OK. However, these
> days, I think espeak is a much better solution and it is part of emacspeak
> and properly integrated into the system. 

eflite supports a subset of the dectalk express commands (ignoring the
rest), thus it does not really need any special support from emacspeak
except for the dtk-exp support. eflite is great to get a working
emacspeak easily, no fiddling wiht tcl and most of the time there is a
precompiled package available. Also, it can be linked statically to
flite, thus eliminating even that dependency. The downside is that it
only supports English and no voice locking.

> Personally, I don't think you can go past the IBM ViaVoice and now you can
> pick up runtime licenses relatively cheaply, I think it is by far the best
> choice.

I very much agree. Another source for IBM ViaVoice is:


Best regards, Lukas

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