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Hi All,

I've been offered an Asus EEEPC and was wondering if anyone has tried
setting it up with emacspeak? 

For those of you not familiar with the EEEPC, it is a small and very cheap
laptop that comes with Linux installed. It only has a 7 inch screen, but
has wireless, built-in webcam etc and costs only $470 Australian (cheaper
for US dollars). It appears to be a well built, solid and light laptop at
an extremely low price. Probably not something you would want to work on
all day every day, but could be a good small light laptop at a good price.

If nobody has any experience with getting it working with speech etc, I'll
probably try it out anyway. Would there be any interest from the list in me
summarising how it goes and if I'm successful, anything I had to do to get
it to work?


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