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Minibuffer changes in svn

Hi all,

after updating to the latest version of emacspeak from svn, I noticed
some changes how the minibuffer is spoken. I am describing them here
to find out if others can reproduce this behavior. I experience the
changes in emacs 22.1.1 from Ubuntu Hardy and emacs 23 from the 3rd
party emacs-snapshot package on Debian.

When cycling through the minibuffer history, both , the minibuffer prompt and
the history item are spoken. It used to be only the minibuffer history
item. This behavior can lead to very verbose output if the minibuffer
prompt is long. I tracked this down to the changes to
emacspeak-advice.el in revision 5766. emacspeak now speaks the return
value of buffer-string instead of using emacspeak-speak-current-field.
Is this change of behavior intentional, and if so, what is the
rationale behind it?

Another change I noticed is what gets spoken when the minibuffer is
entered. This is in emacspeak-minibuffer-setup-hook in
emacspeak-advice.el. The return value of buffer-string and the value
of minibuffer-default are spoken. The problem ist that the former
often (always?) contains the default value. Something like:

Switch to buffer (default *shel*):"


Find file: /home/foo/bar

The default value is thus spoken twice. 

Best regards, Lukas

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