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Editing files with root Privilege

Hi Zack,
This is an ad hoc solution, which I have used for the past several
years without causing grief to my system. I'll describe the steps:
1. Create directories in your home directory with names like
`priv-archives and modified-archives.
2. As an ordinary user, copy the file to be modified to your home
directory and priv-archive.
3. Edit the file and  save it. 
4. Open a root shell
(C-e C-r) and copy the modified file to where it had come from and
restore original privileges; also copy the file to the  
modified-archive directory. Close root shell.
It is long winded but I think it is safe and always possible to
restore the status quo ante.

zachary Kline writes:
 > Hi All,
 > This might be more a general Emacs related question than one specific to
 > Emacspeak, but I thought I'd ask it here nevertheless.
 > Is there an easy way to edit a file with root privileges, without having
 > to start Emacs as root?  I'm thinking of times I might want to edit a
 > configuration file, etc.
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Zack.
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