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Re: emacspeak and xemacs, or emacs from gui

Daniel Dalton <d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When an emacs buffer is opened from within gnome (gnome-terminal), is it
> possible to have emacspeak work with xemacs? If so how? Or if I use
> emacs -nw is it possible to get emacspeak to talk? 

First, you don't want to run Xemacs. GNU Emacs has a graphical interface,
however, which can be run under X by just starting Emacs.

Emacspeak should be started as normal. The tricky part is that if you're also
running Orca with speech turned on, you'll need to find a way to turn it off
while Emacspeak is running. That might be a question for the Orca list if it
becomes a problem for you.

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