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Re: emacspeak and xemacs, or emacs from gui

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 07:50:37PM +1100, Jason White wrote:
> Daniel Dalton <d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > When an emacs buffer is opened from within gnome (gnome-terminal), is it
> > possible to have emacspeak work with xemacs? If so how? Or if I use
> > emacs -nw is it possible to get emacspeak to talk? 
> First, you don't want to run Xemacs. GNU Emacs has a graphical interface,
> however, which can be run under X by just starting Emacs.

So I just type 'emacs'? Do I supply the -nw option? Orca doesn't speak
with this.

> Emacspeak should be started as normal. The tricky part is that if you're also

That's the problem, it's not starting for some reason, any ideas on how
to debug this? It's working fine from a text mode screen session.

> running Orca with speech turned on, you'll need to find a way to turn it off
> while Emacspeak is running. That might be a question for the Orca list if it
> becomes a problem for you.

Insert+s can handle that.



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