I unfortunately have to do this a bit. I use dismal for this although this might now have been superceded by ses. That still can't access the .xls files directly but the xls2csv program gets me most of the way there Note that the dis-field-sep variable is usually set to tab and you will need to set it to comma (setq dis-field-sep ",") to do this. I also couldn't get the handling of speaking cells as I landed on them to work the way I wanted with TVR's set-up (probably I was failing to set up the summarizers correctly) so wrote the following bits of code that I load after opening a dismal file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun emacspeak-dismal-next-row-and-speak-cell () "test for the emacspeak-dismal behaviour I want" (interactive) (declare (special dismal-current-row dismal-current-column)) (dismal-move-rows 1) (emacspeak-dismal-display-cell-with-row-header)) (defun emacspeak-dismal-prev-row-and-speak-cell () "test for the emacspeak-dismal behaviour I want" (interactive) (declare (special dismal-current-row dismal-current-column)) (dismal-move-rows -1) (emacspeak-dismal-display-cell-with-row-header)) (defun emacspeak-dismal-next-col-and-speak-cell () "test for the emacspeak-dismal behaviour I want" (interactive) (declare (special dismal-current-row dismal-current-column)) (dismal-move-columns 1) (emacspeak-dismal-display-cell-with-col-header)) (defun emacspeak-dismal-prev-col-and-speak-cell () "test for the emacspeak-dismal behaviour I want" (interactive) (declare (special dismal-current-row dismal-current-column)) (dismal-move-columns -1) (emacspeak-dismal-display-cell-with-col-header)) (define-key dismal-map '[up] 'emacspeak-dismal-prev-row-and-speak-cell) (define-key dismal-map '[down] 'emacspeak-dismal-next-row-and-speak-cell) (define-key dismal-map '[left] 'emacspeak-dismal-prev-col-and-speak-cell) (define-key dismal-map '[right] 'emacspeak-dismal-next-col-and-speak-cell) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope this helps, and if anyone has nicer solutions to the above code I'd gladly hear them. Also, I'd be curious about similar accessibility to LATeX tables although I realize things like multicolumn make this more difficult. Probably there is already a nice interface between LATeX tabular environment and the emacs tabulate environment. cheers Peter -- Peter Rayner: LSCE/IPSL, Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ address: Bat. 701 LSCE - CEA de Saclay Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif/Yvette work: +33 (1) 69 08 88 11; mobile: +33 (6) 75 46 56 52; fax: +33 (1) 69 08 77 16 mail-to: peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx web: http://www-lsce.cea.fr/Pisp/52/peter.rayner.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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