Hello list, I need to be able to control the volume of mplayer and emacspeak independently. I have seen Chris Brannan's thread on the archive, describing the use of softvol in the .asoundrc file, and I've copied the essentials of this method below. This allows the volume of mplayer to be altered relative to the master volume setting. This works, but has the limitation that if the maximum volume of the file being played by mplayer is too low, then I still cannot match it's volume level with that of emacspeak. So I need also to be able to control the volume of emacspeak relative to the master volume. Any suggestions appreciated. Chris Brannan's method: ----- .asoundrc ----- pcm.softvol { type softvol slave { pcm "cards.pcm.default" } control { name 'musicvol' card 0 } } -----END----- (modified from ALSA wiki) Then, I have the following in ~/.mplayer/config: ao=alsa:device=softvol Regards, Rob ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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