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Re: Emacspeak with voxin-0.22 on Ubuntu 9.04


Sorry for this very limited answer: I have uploaded an experimental package for Emacspeak 28 on Jaunty; this package is expected to be compatible with Voxin 0.22 and espeak.

It depends on tclx8.4 and tcl8.4.


Best regards,

Lars Bjørndal a écrit :
I need some help to figure out how to run this combination. My problem
right now, is to compile the linux-outloud. The emacspeak package
version is: 28.06. In the directory

I changed the string 'tcl.h' into 'tcl8.3/tcl.h' in the files
langswitch.h and tcleci.cpp. In one post to this list, it's mentioned
that you may compile on Ubuntu later thatn 8.04, but you need to
change the Makefile to not use libtool, as I understand that. The link
to this message are here:


Is someone able to explain how I need to modify the files in the
mentioned directory to be able to compile the libraries needed?

Thanks in advance


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