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Re: Daisy Books

My fault that this went off-list.  Bringing it back

Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Sorry on that last line, that should have been emacspeak.  

That is what I assumed.  What I mentioned about tidy and customize fixes
the problem.

> When emacspeak is running I get the errors discussed below.  I
> wondered about tidy and did not recall seeing that anywhere in
> requirements to run emacspeak or w3.  

Not necessary, as you later note it can be turned off but it does help
some pages by cleaning up the html before it is rendered.

> I'm guessing there is a way to tell emacs or emacspeak the default
> browser is <something> and we just need to replace <something> with w3
> or whatever.  

That is where browse-url comes in.  The variable
browse-url-browser-function is what you want to customize.  To get
browse-url to use w3 you want that variable set to browse-url-w3.  I
would use customize to set this.  

> I found the info page discussing the comparisons between w3 and w3m
> interesting reading; you wrote that, didn't you? 

Yes.  Thanks.

> The only reason I'm bothering with getting one of these browsers going
> at all is because they are required to use the emacspeak extensions
> for google related tools and the daisy reader seems to require them
> too.

You might find after using one or the other that you prefer them to
other browsers.  I won't go over the reasons as you said you read my
contribution to the info manual.

> I do appreciate your help here; I'll go and look for tidy. That is an
> emacs application, is it not?

For the record, no.  I do see from a later mail that you found what you

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

The odds are a million to one against your being one in a million.

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