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Re: Daisy Books

Hash: RIPEMD160

When I run the daisy player now, I can get into the book 's top level
ok but when I choose a chapter to poen, I get the following in the
prompt buffer.
Save MIME part to: ~/daisy_books/SSH/
What am I supposed to do at this point? If I go ahead and hit enter
here without typing anything else, I get the following.
File ~/daisy_books/SSH already exists; overwrite? (yes or no)
So what the heck is going on here?  I think when I dug into this
before, I saw that it was trying to save the whole .xml file from the
book.  Does this not work with Bookshare books?

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 08:26:46PM -0600, Robert D. Crawford wrote:
> My fault that this went off-list.  Bringing it back
> Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > Sorry on that last line, that should have been emacspeak.  
> That is what I assumed.  What I mentioned about tidy and customize fixes
> the problem.
> > When emacspeak is running I get the errors discussed below.  I
> > wondered about tidy and did not recall seeing that anywhere in
> > requirements to run emacspeak or w3.  
> Not necessary, as you later note it can be turned off but it does help
> some pages by cleaning up the html before it is rendered.
> > I'm guessing there is a way to tell emacs or emacspeak the default
> > browser is <something> and we just need to replace <something> with w3
> > or whatever.  
> That is where browse-url comes in.  The variable
> browse-url-browser-function is what you want to customize.  To get
> browse-url to use w3 you want that variable set to browse-url-w3.  I
> would use customize to set this.  
> > I found the info page discussing the comparisons between w3 and w3m
> > interesting reading; you wrote that, didn't you? 
> Yes.  Thanks.
> > The only reason I'm bothering with getting one of these browsers going
> > at all is because they are required to use the emacspeak extensions
> > for google related tools and the daisy reader seems to require them
> > too.
> You might find after using one or the other that you prefer them to
> other browsers.  I won't go over the reasons as you said you read my
> contribution to the info manual.
> > I do appreciate your help here; I'll go and look for tidy. That is an
> > emacs application, is it not?
> For the record, no.  I do see from a later mail that you found what you
> needed.
> rdc
> -- 
> Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
> The odds are a million to one against your being one in a million.
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