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Re: emacs crashing

Daniel Dalton writes:
 > On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 08:27:16AM +1100, Tim Cross wrote:
 > > 
 > > I would also suggest enabling debug on quit so that you can try hitting C=g a
 > > few times and see if that breaks out of whatever is causing issues and dumps a
 > How do I enable this debugging?

M-x toggle=debug-on-quit will turn it on. When it is enabled, hitting C-g will
dro you into the backtrace. The backtrace shows up as a buffer. 

M-x toggle-debog-on-error will cause emacs to drop into a backtrace when it
encounters an error. 

 > > backtrace. 
 > Then where would the back trace be found?

It will be in the *backtrace* buffer. This will show up in a window.

 > > 
 > > My suspicion is that its a speech server issues as well. 
 > I think so, I'm using the espeak speech server.
 > Thanks for your help,
 > Dan
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Tim Cross

There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
understand and those who do not understand what they manage.
Tim Cross

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