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Simple introduction to Emacspeak: I declare the first draft.

Hi Alex,

Skimmed it quickly, your starters guide looks good. Thank you for
writing it-- hope it's useful to many others.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 3/17/11, Alex M <alex.midence@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I would like to declare the first draft of the Emacspeak easy intro I
> wrote for your perusal and feedback prior to the final draft.  Please
> point out any corrections, ambiguities, typos, or usability of it in
> this thread.  The only thing left to write is the further links page
> and the acknowledgements page which don't really impact the main
> content of the tutorial.  Here is a link to the html version:
> http://vinux-docs.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=vinux-docs/vinux-docs;a=blob_plain;f=emacspeak-easy-howto.html;hb=HEAD
> Thanks.
> Alex M
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