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Emacspeak tutorial complete

I've added the org file and the resulting html file as
info/tutorial.org and info/tutorial.html --- still deciding where
to install it as part of the install process.
I've also placed the HTML  on the emacspeak Web site at

still needs to be linked in appropriately. Let me know if you
spot anything that needs fixing.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 3/28/11, Alex Midence <alex.midence@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good evening, Dr. Raman,
> Attached please find the final draft of my Emacspeak tutorial.  As you
> requested, the file is the original .org source file of the work.  I
> hope that it proves a useful resource to newcomers to Emacspeak.
> Regards,
> Alex Midence

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