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Emacspeak speech server for mac

Bart And David,

I just did an initial checkin of the Mac server code -- Kudos!


For some reason your patch nuked the lint rule in lisp/Makefile
-- now restored.

Please fix all the compile warnings in mac-voices.el -- some of
these are actual errors -- e.g. format being called with the
wrong number of args.

I'll include this in the next emacspeak release once all of the
compiler errors  and warnings are fixed.


On 4/20/11, Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Raman,
> I concur with David regarding the server's stability.
> I would consider that apart from needing some tweaks for mac-voices the
> server's actual responsiveness, stability and feature completeness is better
> than the
> outloud server.
> Cheers
> Bart

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