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error using 32-outloud

This is only a very wild guess.

It would be reasonable to assume the 32 bit linked tcl shell has either a
different name or different path than the standard 64 bit linked tclsh. It
looks like emacspeak is expecting this to be /usr/bin/tclsh8.4_ia32, but failed
to find it. 

What do you get if you do 

ls /usr/bin | grep tcl

It is possible that the naming convention which has been used to prevent
confusion between the 32 and 64 bit versions of tclsh has changed and the one
the script is looking for does not exist. 

Alternatively, maybe the 32 bit executables have been put into a ia32 specific
bin directory and either you need to change the path for the interpreter in the
script or create a symbolic link from the executable to the name the script is
looking for in /usr/bin

Maybe the getlibs command has changed and the schema used to manage 32 bit libs
and executables is slightly different. I would look for some getlib
documentation and see what it says. 

Finally, there should be a log of what getlib did in /var/log. Have a look and
see if that gives you any clues. 


Robert D. Crawford writes:
 > Hello all,
 > In order to not have to track down my issues concerning espeak I decided
 > to buy voxin.  After installation, I installed getlibs and executed the
 > command:  
 > sudo getlibs -p tcl8.4 tcl8.4-dev tclx8.4 tclx8.4-dev
 > Then, I copied the servers/linux-outloud/lib//atcleci.so to the
 > linux-outloud directory under /usr/local.
 > Then, I went to the servers directory and tried to run ./32-outloud with
 > these results:
 > bash: ./32-outloud: /usr/bin/tclsh8.4_ia32: bad interpreter: No such
 > file or directory
 > Looking for tclsh did not yield anything that looked liked what it was
 > looking for.
 > The download seemed to work, with this at the end of the output:
 > The following i386 packages will be installed: tcl8.4 tcl8.4-dev tclx8.4 tclx8.4-dev
 > Continue [Y/n]? 
 > Downloading ...
 > Installing libraries ...
 > Any ideas?
 > Thanks for any help,
 > rdc
 > -- 
 > Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > All work and no pay makes a housewife.
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Tim Cross
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