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Re: Turning Off voice-lock mode When Emacspeak Starts

Voice lock mode is one of my favourite features of Emacspeak. It unobtrusively
keeps me aware of the syntax of my source code or markup language.

It's really irritating when the volume just randomly changes on you for me. I guess if it's something you start out with it's nice, but I want my code read to me without my synth pausing and totally switching on me; it tends to make things a lot harder to read and understand.

On 12/19/2012 4:59 PM, Jason White wrote:
Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Another alternative (apart from identifying why you cannot turn global
voice lock mode off from .emacs) would be to experiment with changing the
voices used by emacspeak. It is possible that if you tweaked the voice
parameters used on OSX that you would not find them as distracting. I find
the voice locking very useful in a similar way to how sighted users find
font locking useful. 
Voice lock mode is one of my favourite features of Emacspeak. It unobtrusively
keeps me aware of the syntax of my source code or markup language.

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