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Re: Turning Off voice-lock mode When Emacspeak Starts

the volume change is an artifact of the Mac implementation -- 
>>>>> "Littlefield," == Littlefield, Tyler <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Littlefield,>     Voice lock mode is one of my favourite
    Littlefield,> features of Emacspeak. It unobtrusively keeps
    Littlefield,> me aware of the syntax of my source code or
    Littlefield,> markup language.
    Littlefield,> It's really irritating when the volume just
    Littlefield,> randomly changes on you for me. I guess if it's
    Littlefield,> something you start out with it's nice, but I
    Littlefield,> want my code read to me without my synth
    Littlefield,> pausing and totally switching on me; it tends
    Littlefield,> to make things a lot harder to read and
    Littlefield,> understand.
    Littlefield,> On 12/19/2012 4:59 PM, Jason White wrote:
    >> Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    >>> Another alternative (apart from identifying why you
    >>> cannot turn global voice lock mode off from .emacs) would
    >>> be to experiment with changing the voices used by
    >>> emacspeak. It is possible that if you tweaked the voice
    >>> parameters used on OSX that you would not find them as
    >>> distracting. I find the voice locking very useful in a
    >>> similar way to how sighted users find font locking
    >>> useful.
    >> Voice lock mode is one of my favourite features of
    >> Emacspeak. It unobtrusively keeps me aware of the syntax
    >> of my source code or markup language.
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    Littlefield,> -- Take care, Ty http://tds-solutions.net The
    Littlefield,> aspen project: a barebones light-weight mud
    Littlefield,> engine: http://code.google.com/p/aspenmud He
    Littlefield,> that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot
    Littlefield,> reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a
    Littlefield,> slave.

Best Regards,

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