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Re: [orca-list] [BRLTTY] Handling data flow diagrams and system flow charts

Thank you for such an informative message. This seems like something I myself could use in creating teaching aids. I will give all of these tools a  look.
Best regards,

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 9, 2013, at 7:13 PM, "T. V. Raman" <tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Here are some tiiiips:
> From the thread, it's unclear whether you're looking for
> solutions that will help you create or consume such diagrams  --
> the two questions are separate and should be thought of
> separately.
> Before you ever get to the creation step, you need to first solve
> the problem of learning the material that you're supposed to by
> consuming these plots --- for that I'd personally not focus
> exclusively on the graphs/plots, but on the actual material ---
> in most cases -- except if you're an arts student studying fine
> visual art, the visual  plots/graphs are a tool to help learning,
> not the material being learnt.
> Once you're at the next stge, where you've learnt the material,
> and now need to express your own ideas e.g. a homework assignment
> --- is where you need to be able to create plots and graphs
> analogous to what was encountered at the first step.  
> For this, I'd personally use the following:
> 1. Some of the drawing packages in LaTeX  -- my own personal
> favorite is the pstricks package.
> 2. For more complex problems I'd point at Asymptote --  an
> extremely powerful drawing program backed by a really nice
> language. 
> Above all, look for drawing tools that let you say what you want,
> rather than tools that expect you to rely on visual feedback on
> the screen to adjust your drawing.
> just 
>>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Dalton <d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>    Daniel> On Sat, Feb 09, 2013 at 10:28:55AM -0800, Don Raikes
>    Daniel> wrote:
>>> Do you think maxima could be used for network diagrams?
>    Daniel> 
>    Daniel> I wouldn't have thought so, maxima from what I used
>    Daniel> anyway is just good for sketching graphs of functions
>    Daniel> or plotting points.
>    Daniel> 
>    Daniel> Although, it can draw some simple shapes like
>    Daniel> triangles, but I don't know how precise its actual
>    Daniel> drawing capabilities are...
>    Daniel> 
>    Daniel> Thanks, Dan
>    Daniel> 
>    Daniel> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>    Daniel> "unsubscribe" or "help".
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> --raman
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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