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Re: Emacs daemon [was "Re: [SPAM?] Re: [slightly OT] pulseaudio, Orca, and Emacs"]

Christopher Chaltain <chaltain@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When I start Emacs on the desktop, it's as if Orca isn't running in
> my Emacs session. I can still hear Orca events from other
> applications, but I don't hear Orca echo anything I'm doing in
> Emacs. If I start emacsclient on the desktop, Orca and Emacsclient
> seem like they're both still running. As I arrow up and down, I hear
> both Orca and Emacspeak read the new line to me. This reminds me of
> JAWS where I could put it to sleep when a particular application was
> in the foreground. I'd like Emacsclient on the desktop to behave the
> same way Emacs does. Like I said, I still need to look into this,
> and it's probably an Orca thing and not an Emacspeak thing. This may
> also be what Bill reported earlier in this thread.

It's possible that an Orca script can do this, but my suspicion is that yur
Emacs session is running inside a terminal, which is why Orca can read it. If
you run Emacs on the desktop, Orca won't access it because the Emacs GTK
widgets don't support ATK as required by Orca.

As I remember, Orca-s turns off speech but not braille, which should solve
your problem for now. This command is a toggle.
> Second, when I start Emacs on the desktop, copying and pasting
> between Emacs and other desktop applications just works. When I
> start Emacs as a daemon, I can't seem to get this to work. I've
> googled around for some answers, and I've tried a few things, but I
> haven't come up with the right incantation yet.

That will be related to the same issues as above. I don't know what the
easiest solution is, as I never run Emacs from a desktop environment. I want
my braille display to work, and the only way to do that is to run Emacs from a
console session.

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