Good catch Jason! Thanks for tracking this down. The many permutations that are possible is what makes debugging/fixing this so hard -- thanks for chasing down one clearly broken combination. >>>>> "Jason" == Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Jason> Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: >> >> If I understand your setup and how our running emacs and >> emacspeak, I don't think gnome-orca is the issue. Jason> Jason> I agree. I've just discovered (under debian, at least, Jason> and it seems to be a problem in the Espeak code Jason> itself) that the AUDIO=runtime compile-time flag, Jason> which is supposed to invoke PulseAudio when the latter Jason> is available, always uses PortAudio, hence ALSA Jason> directly, instead. The wrapper functions which are Jason> meant to choose the output method dynamically are Jason> never called. Jason> Jason> The result is that PulseAudio is bypassed unless Alsa Jason> is configured to use it by default (in which case, we Jason> still get underruns and other errors about which the Jason> Alsa library complains on standard error). Jason> Jason> I've formally reported the ESpeak bug to Debian, from Jason> where I expect it will be taken upstream. Jason> Jason> Note that Speech-Dispatcher is unaffected because it Jason> handles the audio output directly rather than via Jason> ESpeak, whereas the Emacspeak speech server uses Jason> Espeak itself to handle the output device. Jason> Jason> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your Jason> address on the emacspeak list send mail to Jason> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of Jason> "unsubscribe" or "help". -- Best Regards, --raman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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