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Re: Playing Sounds Within Emacspeak

I tried this option both before and after loading emacspeak and no go. Other auditory icons work fine. I also looked on my old setup where the startup sound worked and emms was not installed on that system so I don't think emms is necessary for the emacspeak startup sound to play. I have used emms in the past to play music and all and it was pretty cool. Yes, I have elpa installed on my machine though I haven't done much with it yet. It's just sitting there waiting for me to load it up and see what packages I might wanna play with.

It's mainly a curiousity as to why that feature doesn't work now on my new setup.

On 08/17/13 17:25, Rob Hill wrote:
Hello Steve and list,

Check that


is set to t.


Steve Holmes writes:
  > plain text, us-ascii                [Press RETURN to display text]

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