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Mac specific trick for working with chromevox and emacs

Re edit-with-emacs:

You can simplify things further -- get rid o fthe click on the

Go to the options page for the edit-with-emacs extension in
Chrome by opening chrome://extensions

It has an option that if enabled  will let you launch
edit-with-emacs using alt-enter.

Incidentally when using stumpwm on Linux, emacs gets focus
whenever there is activity in the emacs window, so I didn't need
to add any hooks into edit-with-emacs on the Linux side.

Bart Bunting writes:
 > Hi,
 > Here is a little trick I'm finding useful when working with edit fields
 > in chrome.
 > The EditWithEmacs chrome extension allows you to edit textareas in
 > emacs.  Just install it from the chrome store.
 > Once you follow the instructions you will get something called "gumdrop"
 > after text areas.  Click on this and the text area content pops up in
 > emacs for editing and c-c c-c closes the buffer.
 > The trick is that when this happens I was having to manually switch
 > focus between chrome and emacs.  Not all that cumbersome but annoying
 > With the addition of two tiny defuns and the hooks provided by
 > edit-server I have been able to automate that process.
 > So now when I click the gumdrop I'm in the focused emacs buffer and when
 > I hit c-c c-c when finished I'm back in chrome.
 > I thought this may be helpful to anyone else out there using mac with
 > emacspeak.
 > Here is the trivial code.
 > (defun bb-focus-chrome ()
 > (interactive)
 > (ns-do-applescript "tell application \"Google Chrome\" 
 > activate
 > end tell"))
 > (add-hook 'edit-server-done-hook 'bb-focus-chrome)
 > (defun bb-focus-emacs ()
 > (interactive)
 > (ns-do-applescript "tell application \"Emacs\" 
 > activate
 > end tell"))
 > (add-hook 'edit-server-start-hook 'bb-focus-emacs)
 > Kind regards
 > Bart
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