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Re: let's remove q switch from emacspeak startup script

Jarek Czekalski wrote:

> If we modify the emacspeak script and just remove -q switch as well as the
> workarounds for launching user init file with the -l option - what
> negative effect could it bring?

That is, loading Emacspeak after init file? But what if init file has an
error? I don't want to experiment but suspect that in this case user will
finish in an Emacs session without speech support. Also some packages may
ask user for confirmation during startup. See for example the option
desktop-load-locked-desktop from desktop.el. Although this particular
confirmation can be turned off.

> I can think only of Emacspeak specific commands that we put inside the
> user init file. But these may be easily wrapped inside a hook, for example
> eval-after-load "emacspeak-setup".

Better to have separate configuration file for Emacspeak then.

By the way, this script sets the environment variable EMACS_UNIBYTE. It has
no effect in Emacs 24 and was declared obsolete in Emacs 23. This creates
unnecessary difference of behavior between Emacs 23 and Emacs 24.

With best regards
Dmitri Paduchikh

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