Hi there, I'm doing some work with puppet in the emacs shell and it prints lots of output. Nothing surprising there I guess. It got me wondering if there are any better techniques for getting emacspeak to verbalize specific output from different programs. I guess what I had in mind is some sort of almost sub-mode that you could toggle on to deal with specific output. The sort of thing I want to do is to silence parts of the line as well as to be able to navigate it somewhat like a table by having emacspeak read only the column that I'm currently in until I move to another part of the output. I want to do this to facilitate quick scanning of large amounts of output. I know about emacspeak-speak-line-set-column-filter and it's very helpful but I'd like something more flexible as the output doesn't always line up nicely on column boundaries. Defining what is spoken in terms of regexps may be more useful for variable output, obviously it's more difficult to setup as well. Is there anything existing already that is anything like what I'm talking about? If not any ideas if this is an interesting aproach and where one would start to have a go at hacking something up? Kind regards Bart -- Bart Bunting
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