That package looks interesting. Unfortunately, pretty much impossible to provide any specific help without knowing more about the package and how it works. For example, I have no idea what functions 'ws' invokes as a key binding. I don't know what 'w' is supposed to do and can only guess at what 's' does. Does it just use standard emacs functions or does it use specific meow functions or a mix? I don't even know precisely what the expected behaviour should be and what behaviour is modified when/if mark is set or a region is defined etc. When using a package like this, you will need to debug the issue yourself. I would start by looking at what functions 'ws' calls and see if any of them have emacspeak advice on them. I would then either use the emacs debugger or add debugging statements in key locations to try and trace what is going on. Packages like meow, god-mode, evil-mode etc will frequently have unexpected issues when used in conjunction with Emacspeak. This can be expected when you add another package which significantly modifies/changes the interface model used by Emacs. Emacspeak makes a few assumptions about key bindings and the interface model. Once you begin to modify these in any significant manner, you will run into issues. Some are easily fixed, others are more difficult. For example, there are some character navigation issues with Emacspeak and evil-mode which I've not been able to adequately resolve despite numerous attempts. However, they are minor and don't bother me too much. On the other hand, there were other issues with evil-mode I was able to track down and once I had identified the problem and a workable solution which also did not impact normal Emacspeak users, Raman was happy to incorporate those changes into Emacspeak. So, the good news is that once you identify the cause of the problem, it will likely be possible to find a way to incorporate the fix into emacspeak. The bad news is this effort will likely be down to you as it is unlikely there will be another user who is also using meow and emacspeak. (I will likely look at it, but I'm about to go travelling for 2 months and won't have any computer or internet. I like modal editors, so meow sounds very interesting and it would be good to have something less 'heavy' than evil mode as I'm less interested in VI emulation and more interested in modal editing).
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