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Re: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak and meow

Hello there,
I'm aware how emacspeak struggles with packages that change up keybindings like
this. Apparently meow deligates directly to normal emacs keys like C-f, C-w, etc
which is why emacspeak is able to speak its motions. That's why this problem
surprised me, it doesn't seem like something emacspeak would conflict with.

w selects a word and that part works, the problem is in the s which calls
"meow--kill". What it does essentially is:

    (if (region-active-p)
		  (do selection deletion)
      (fallback to deleting the rest of the line))

Then I tried just pressing w and manually evaluating (region-active-p) both with
and without emacspeak running. Without emacspeak it returns t, with it it
returns nil. According to C-h f it doesn't have any kind of advice on it, and
the documentation flies over my head.

Kind regards,


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