Hi Raman, This makes sense. Is there a “good version” we can experience? As in, a speech server that you consider to be the most accurate to how you intended the speech to sound like? I have read the documentation on the rationale behind conveying information with different voice attributes, but I’d love to hear how that actually sounds in practice. Thanks! > On 29 Feb 2024, at 17:42, T.V Raman <raman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > From what you say my guess is: > > 1. The mac voices need tuning. > 2. You've been mostly relying on the pauses in the old python server. i.e., > 3. The voice property changes either *never* worked, error -- or were > too suble. > 4. Either way the tuning needs to happen in mac-voices.el > > > --
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