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Re: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak 60 on new MAc messages not being spoken


Did you import your old settings?  Have you tried without them?

Emacspeak comes with a script you can use to test with a safe config, 
it is runq and you need to set your DTK_PROGRAM first. 

Does it still happen with runq?

> On Jun 11, 2024, at 01:27, Jerry Sievers <gsievers19@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> If you just put (message "hi there") in the scratch buffer and 
>> highlight it and bind a key to eval-region and evaluate it over 
>> and over you only hear the first one. 
> Ack.  I did also try using the message function in the scratch buffer
> and those didn't get rendered either, on the first attempt.

Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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