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Re: [Emacspeak] Question about best way to install and configure emacs and emacspeak in m1 MACs


Author of Swiftmac here, so take this for what it is worth. 

First of all, I think the mac python server is still the default, swiftmac only got included 
in the last emacspeak release (green apple status).

Swiftmac, specifically 2.7.5 which I am going to be getting merged into emacspeak next few 
days is absolutely rock solid, and is the fastest and most complete implementation of the
emacspeak protocol on mac.

If you want to build everything from source, Make sure you use a version of Emacs that is 
able to use (setopt mac-ignore-accessibility 't) -- saves a lot of hassle in using it with 

I highly recommend you consider:
- https://github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus

It builds new emacs source, with some fixes and improvements for mac on your box. 

As for Emacspeak, it is delightfully straightforward to build. 
- https://github.com/tvraman/emacspeak

Using master directly is far more reliable than you would expect, I update often and have
very few issues. Just grab, make clean && make config && make and emacspeak will be ready
to go. 

At that point, you can build the swiftmac that comes with emacspeak, which is contributed 
on a regular basis (I am moving 2.7.5 over this week) or if you want the newest features 
and most up to date stuff, you can use the swiftmac repo directly:
- https://github.com/robertmeta/swiftmac

It now requires swift 5.9, just do make install and away you go.  

At this point, you got built emacs, built emacspeak and built swiftmac.  Now you just do 
some configuration in your init.el and you should have a solid, reliable daily driver. 

Good luck! 

> On Jun 17, 2024, at 07:54, Argiris Koumtzis (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am currently using an 2021 m1 MacBook Pro and I want to install from scratch emacs and emacspeak. Could someone clarify the following: Is now emacspeak60 by default using swift Mac? 
> Is this new project recommended for use or there are still some things to be resolved? I would like to have something that works at the moment because I have to use emacspeak for my job. Could someone describe the process to getting started from scratch or point me with a link where I could find reliable instructions for how to make the set up to work? 
> Thanks in advance and I am sorry if i am asking something stupid/trivial.
> Best,
> Dr. Argyrios Koumtzis Emacspeak discussion list -- emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To unsubscribe send email to:
> emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with a subject of: unsubscribe

Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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