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Re: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak Web Search facility seems to be broken for me on Mac OS in post 60.0 builds of Emacspeak

This swallowing space characters seems to happen to me but not all the
time. When it does I can generate a traceback that looks like:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (json-parse-error "invalid token near '/'" "<string>" 1 1 1)
  g-json-get-result("nil  --http1.0 --compressed --silent --location --...")
  gweb-suggest("testing" "")
  gweb-suggest-completer("testing" nil (boundaries . ""))
  completion-boundaries("testing" gweb-suggest-completer nil "")
  completion-basic-try-completion("testing" gweb-suggest-completer nil 7)
  #f(compiled-function (style) #<bytecode 0x7bc6b20901a7c83>)(basic)
  completion--some(#f(compiled-function (style) #<bytecode 0x7bc6b20901a7c83>) (basic partial-completion emacs22))
  completion--nth-completion(1 "testing" gweb-suggest-completer nil 7 (metadata (display-sort-function . identity)))
  completion-try-completion("testing" gweb-suggest-completer nil 7 (metadata (display-sort-function . identity)))
  completion--try-word-completion("testing" gweb-suggest-completer nil 7 (metadata (display-sort-function . identity)))
  completion--do-completion(9 16 completion--try-word-completion)
  completion-in-region--single-word(9 16)
  #<subr minibuffer-complete-word>()
  ad-Advice-minibuffer-complete-word(#<subr minibuffer-complete-word>)
  apply(ad-Advice-minibuffer-complete-word #<subr minibuffer-complete-word> nil)
  #<subr funcall-interactively>(minibuffer-complete-word)
  apply(#<subr funcall-interactively> minibuffer-complete-word nil)
  ad-Advice-funcall-interactively(#<subr funcall-interactively> minibuffer-complete-word)
  apply(ad-Advice-funcall-interactively #<subr funcall-interactively> minibuffer-complete-word)
  completing-read-default("Google: " gweb-suggest-completer nil nil #("machine" 0 7 (face font-lock-variable-name-face fontified t)) gweb-history nil nil)
  gweb--autocomplete-helper("Google: ")
  #<subr gweb-google-autocomplete>(nil)
  ad-Advice-gweb-google-autocomplete(#<subr gweb-google-autocomplete>)
  apply(ad-Advice-gweb-google-autocomplete #<subr gweb-google-autocomplete> nil)
  byte-code("\301 \10D\207" [current-prefix-arg gweb-google-autocomplete] 2)

"Victor Tsaran" (via emacspeak Mailing List) writes:
>Thanks for the fix. I am now able to use it. However...
>For some reason, the "space" character is being gobbled up, which means that I
>am not able to type multi-word queries. I thought this used to work properly
>Thanks again!
>On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 1:28 PM Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Awesome, thanks! Re shortcut. You know, old habits! :) 
> On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 11:29 AM T.V Raman <raman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Fixed at head:
> Also yu can press C-e / which is easier to type 
> -- 
> --  
>--- --- --- ---
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Peter Rayner (he/him), Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
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