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Re: [Emacspeak] Matching parems in newer versions of Emacspeak

Talk about rabit holes, just switched to a glove80 split ergonomic
keyboard. Spent the last 2 days programming the firmware to get the
layouts correct. Really like the feel of it, but it is taking a bit of
re-learning muscle memory to get use to it. Really like the 'homekey
mode', which lets you enter modifiers like shift, ctl, alt and super by
holding down a key in the home row.

Probably going to take a while before I find the right layout for typing
symbols etc to make programming easier. Although I don't habe the
misfortune to suffer from RSI etc, I can see how anyone who does would
benefit from this keyboard. After long hours of coding, I can get a
stiff back and neck. Finding things much better with this keyboard and I
expect after some pravtice I will also be a lot faster typing.

Robert Melton <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Echo area contention is my current crusade... sometimes I patch the package, but 
> I really want a way to sort of detect rapid updates and queue them rather than 
> stop and start next one.  
> Obviously a bit hard to do if you get a chain of messages you end up with a huge 
> backlog, but I feel there must be a relatively doable solution with timers that 
> if the messages come like, directly back to back you queue rather than stop then 
> speak.
> Now that I have gotten out of my org-mode hole, and converted half my life to 
> org files. Back to other things.  
>> On May 23, 2024, at 20:04, Tim Cross (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ne thing to watch out for is echo area contention.

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