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Re: [Emacspeak] more info... up/down arrow keys in tabulated-list buffers...

Greetings Raman, et al!  It's been quiet around here lately.

The patch I "thought" was adequate to improve tabulated-list-mode
behavior ended up a no-go, after a few more days of hacking back when
this thread was fresh.

Of course, I had no idea that by this time, I would not have been
inspired to dive in again.

As I recall, after resolving some of the column tracking issues that
seemed a good general improvement, in buffer-menu everything was
fine... except that after refreshing the buffer during a mark and purge
operation, the column position was again lost.

ISTM that tabulated list mode doesn't expose enough metadata to make our
use case straight-forward to fulfill.  I was going bonkers trying to get
my head around the having to seek around for property changes to
identify column boundaries.

My appreciation for how tricky some of this is to accomplish was thusly
renewed :-)

Anyway FYI


"\"T.V Raman\"" (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> please continue to test your patch for a week, then send a Pull-request
> if you do not  unearth any issues with it.

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