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Re: [Emacspeak] Problem installing and configuring emacspeak on macos

Yes, I think more information is needed. What file did you create? It should be either .emacs in your home directory or init.el under the .emacs.d subdirectory in your home directory (note the period signs in front of some directory and file names).
Which version of Emacs are you trying to install?

On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 3:52 PM Tim Cross <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

the first thing I would check is that emacpseak is actually being
loaded. Have a look in your *Messages* buffer to see if there are
messages showing that emacspeak is being loaded.

Note also that on the Mac, how you start emacs caqn have an impact. If
you are starting emacs from finder or the dock, it does not load your
.bashrc file and therefore will not have picked up any environment
variables, such as the one which sets your speech server. However, if
you start emacs from within a terminal, your local config files will
have been sourced and therefore will have those settings.

It may be worthwile sharing your init.el file so that we can see
everything is colnfigured correctly. I don't run mac anymore and have
not used the swift based mac tts, so am unable to provide more specific
details regarding that setup.

"Sidaqvir Singh Lotay" (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi.
> I've followed all the dispersed guides as to how to get emacs and emacspeak work on the mac (latest version). I have installed the swiftmac tts,
> and as per the instructions in the demo section of the official manual, I've tested the speech server which perfectly works. However, I created
> the file in my home directory which would link emacspeak to eamcs, but whatever I tried there is no sound, no dtk speaking any welcome
> message and obviously no speech output from the speech server at all. I don't get any error message, emacs starts normally as if it had never
> loaded emacspeak. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if I inadvertently broke some rules, this is my first time posting in this group.
> I should also add that when building emacspeak there was no error or warning.
> Thanks a lot!
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