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Speech tuning utility with Emacspeak11.0

Victor Tsaran writes:
 > Hi, Matthew!
 > In one of your messages to the list you have written that you provided
 > a speech tuning utility with an RPM version of Emacspeak11.0. WHere
 > can this setup utility be found? I went to Emacspeak default
 > directory, however, cannot identify any ssuch file.

I included an emacspeakconfig utility which lets you configure
emacspeak for your synthesizer.  It asks you what synthesizer you
have and what port it's on and gives you a convenient way to make sure
that your user account has access to that port (so you don't have to
do any chmod or chown commands or mess with the /etc/group file).  In
my RPM of Emacspeak, and probably in the Debian package as well, this
utility is installed as /usr/sbin/emacspeakconfig.  You must log in as
root to run it.

Matt Campbell <mattcamp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Web site:  http://www.crosswinds.net/~mattcamp/
ICQ #:  33005941

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