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emacspeak table mode

[file included below]

i'm trying to tabulate some output like the c-e ! df command does.
but, when i do that lisp gives me some error about type.
can you check it out? 
i'm using emacspeak 14.0 emacs 20.7 on linux from scratch.
Player Name          On For   Idle  @mail your Birthday to Marretta today!
Rodregis              00:03     0s  
Juz                   00:54    54m  
Jamie                 01:06     6m  SE: http://www.spiritsend.com
Niniane               01:09     4m  
Velora                01:13    46m  
Oderus                01:33     1h  Star Wars MUSH: starwarsmush.com:4402
William               01:37     1h  
Artemis               02:17    55m  
Annelle               02:21     1m  
Ixokai                02:55    40m  
Mersades              03:36    51s  
Cedez                 03:43    33s  
Random                03:47     1m  WaiTInG
Area51                03:47     6m  
Anubis                03:47     1m  
Cryptic               03:47     7m  I'm here!!
Rhysem                09:25    54m  Give your mouse over to Jesus!
Krevinek              10:25     6h  
Aaron                 14:03    13h  
scoob                 23:34     6h  http://www.intel.com/cure/
Raevnos            2d 06:12    31m  
MudNet             2d 10:22    17s  See `mnhelp' and www.mudnet.org
Walker             2d 10:35     9h  
Trispis            2d 11:05     3h  MUDtoberfest! +bbread 20
Fortunes           3d 05:25    42m  Get yer +quote today!
Webster            6d 14:38     1m  Dictionary bot! See +help spell
There are 28 players connected.

p.s. sorry for so many questions. i hope i'm not being ignored.

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