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Linux Red hat7.1, Emacspeak and w3 how?

What version of emacs are you using?

when you type m-x w3-fetch enter what happens?

could you attach your .emacs file so I can take a look in case it's something pretty obvious?


Shaji Mathew writes:
 > Dear friends,
 > We try to get Emacspeak installed on Linux Red Hat v7.1
 > We managed Emacspeak but could not use w3.
 > If we try from Emacspeak M-x w3-fetch we get"No match" message
 > For this Os, w3 we could use w3 built in with Xemac  if needed
 > but not with gnu Emac
 > We don't want to use xemac but use gnuemac along with Emacspeak
 > as default, what exactly should we do with .emacs file? if the problem is
 > around it?
 > we even download and reinstall w3 at emcs/site-lisp dir
 > as we couldn't find w3 with add-on applications list from menu
 > of gnu Emac.
 > All versions of w3 and Emacspeak are latest
 > Please help us
 > Thank you,
 > Shaji Mathew
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