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Re: Cannot find -ltcl [Was It works!!]
these symlinks should be updated when a particular rpm like
tclx is installed.
In general it doesn't hurt to run ldconfig as root once in a
while to get things updated correctly.
>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Tim> Hi Pete, Very glad your now up and running.
Tim> Just for the archives, I think Pete's problem was
Tim> due to changes in the symbolic links that exist in
Tim> the /usr/lib directory. I've noticed this problem
Tim> with Debian and it now seems SuSe has the same
Tim> situation.
Tim> The symptom of the problem is when attempting to
Tim> build the shared library for the ViaVoice driver,
Tim> the make returns an error indicating it could not
Tim> find the tcl library.
Tim> When I had this problem on Debian I looked in the
Tim> /usr/lib directory and found that there were
Tim> symlinks for libtclx8.3.so to libtclx8.3.so.1 etc,
Tim> but know libtcl.so one. Although I may be mistaken,
Tim> I believe that when you include a library with the
Tim> -l switch in a compilation, it appends the name of
Tim> the library to the string lib and then appends .so
Tim> to that. For example, if looking for the tcl
Tim> library it would look for a library called
Tim> libtcl.so.
Tim> The solution which I used and which I believe also
Tim> worked for Pete was to create a symlink in lib
Tim> using the command
Tim> ln -s libtclx8.3.so libtcl.so
Tim> (Note the 8.3 depends on the version of tcl you
Tim> have installed).
Tim> Tim
>>>>> "Pete" == Pete Sinnott <pete_sinnott@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Pete> Hi Tim, I wanted to thank you and other on the list for your
Pete> Pete> help. I am now up and running. I deleted and reinstalled
Pete> the libraries (tcl,tk & tclx) from the suese source and
Pete> linked them as you recomended and it Emacspeaks 16.0 Runs on
Pete> Suse 8.0!!
Pete> Thank you,
Pete> Pete
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Tim> -- Tim Cross E-Mail: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
Tim> Analyst/Programmer Phone: 6773 3210 Applications
Tim> Group Mobile: 0412 969193 University of New England
Tim> --- find / -iname microsoft -exec rm -rf {} \;
Tim> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Tim> your address on the emacspeak list send mail to
Tim> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
Tim> "unsubscribe" or "help"
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Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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