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w3 and yet another problem.

I'm probably boring all of you by now but I've followed the instructions
this time but w3 still won't work.  I've added the line "(autoload 'w3 "w3"
"Interface for w3 on Emacs." t)"  to the .emacs file in /home/darragh/.
When installing it, I first used gunzip to decompress the .gz part, then tar
xvf to unzip the .tar extension.  Then once it was in its own directory I
used ./configure this asked me to run make and make install.  I did this and
inserted the line into /home/darragh/.emacs I re loded Emacspeak pressed alt
plus x, and typed w3-fetch but got nothing.  Does any one have any

P.S. Thanks for the help earlier.  I'll try them out in a few minutes.

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