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process speaker not running message
To begin with you should use emacspeak 16 not 12 as it's terribly out
of date.
dashielljt writes:
> The details are slackware 8.0.0; emacspeak-12.0.tar.gz for slackware,
> emacspeak-ss-1.9.1.tar.gz since there's a doubletalk external synthesizer,
> DTK_PROGRAM=doubletalk and DTK_PORT=/dev/ttyS0 both exported.
Have you tried to run the doubletalk program outside of emacs? This
MUST work before you can go further.
The most likely problem is that the doubletalk speech server is not
functioning for one reason or another. If you troubleshoot that then
rerun emacspeak things will probably start working. If however you
have tested the doubletalk speech server and are still getting the
"process speaker not running" message then there is something else
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