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process speaker not running message
1. Have you checked the permissions on the /dev/ttyS0 port?
2. Have you tried the test outlined in the emacspeak Makefile to check
the driver and double-talk are working correctly before running
3. emacspeak 12 is quite old - the last release was emacspeak 16. I'm
not sure about the emacspeak-ss package, but perhaps check to make
sure there isn't a later version of that as well. Also, what version
of emacs are you running? If its emacs 21, you should definatley get a
later version of emacspeak.
>>>>> "dashielljt" == dashielljt <dashielljt@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
dashielljt> The details are slackware 8.0.0; emacspeak-12.0.tar.gz
dashielljt> for slackware, emacspeak-ss-1.9.1.tar.gz since there's
dashielljt> a doubletalk external synthesizer,
dashielljt> DTK_PROGRAM=doubletalk and DTK_PORT=/dev/ttyS0 both
dashielljt> exported.
dashielljt> Jude <dashielljt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
dashielljt> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Tim Cross E-Mail: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
Analyst/Programmer Phone: 6773 3210
Applications Group Mobile: 0412 969193
University of New England
find / -iname microsoft -exec rm -rf {} \;
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